3-18-20139114832996TechTXIntermittent and F3 error code.
3-18-2013JDP39W0TL1WWTechFLDisplay goes dim.
3-18-2013JMP31W0A2WWBryanNYIntermittent display.
3-15-2013JRP14GV1BBAlbertMOF3 error code, intermittent.
3-15-2013JMP31W0V1WWTechPAF3 error code.
3-15-2013JMP31WOAZWWJamesVAoven wont maintain temp during bake. display is intermittent
3-15-2013JDP39WV1WWShirleyORNot responsive
3-14-2013JSP26GV3VHJuneWAF3 constant
3-14-2013JMP310T1WWMarkHIheats up and then shuts off
3-14-2013911.4554590IraFLF1, Intermittent beeping
3-13-2013JMP31W0A2WWAleneTXIntermittent and F3 error code.
3-13-2013JSP31W0V1WWJosephLAIntermittent locking and F3 code.
3-13-2013JDP36G0T1ADCarlMDstove works, but oven does not. elements and sensor check out OK.
3-12-2013JMP28B0A2ADBradOHOven will not heat up.
3-12-2013TechNCF3 error code, intermittent.
3-12-2013JMP31WV1WWRichardNCF2 & f3 at different times
3-12-20139114674591MikeKYintermittent operation and blank display
3-11-2013JDP36G0T1ADBillTXDisplay gradually dimmed out.
3-11-2013911.4674591TechFLOven not getting up to temp, about 150 degrees off.
3-11-2013JMP29GV1BBTechSCno bake or broil
3-8-2013JRP15WV1WWTerryFLBlank Display
3-8-2013JMP3WA1WWTechOHwont hold temp, shuts off
3-8-2013911.3042593TechCAControl board has failed.
3-8-2013JMP28B0A1W1RichNCOven not functioning, nothing on display.
3-7-2013JSP28G0P4BGSergioTXOven not holding temp consistently.
3-7-2013911.4742593DonaldMDOven shuts off after being set.
3-7-20139114554990Anthony TXruns a few minutes, then shuts off
3-7-2013JMP31W0A1WWPaulNCE3 error code and plastic button for the up arrow is broken.
3-6-2013JMP31WA2WWTechCOdim display, oven isnt working
3-6-2013JSP39W0T1WWDavidOHCannot start bake or broil.
3-5-2013JMP31W0A1WWElizabethVAOven not functioning, nothing on display.
3-5-2013JRP14G0V1BBTechVARepair as needed.
3-5-2013911.4674590SteveTXOven will not heat, setting temperature makes it stay on 100 degrees.
3-5-2013JDP39WV1WWAppliance Medic ServiceTXbake not working