3-13-2013RogerMINo info provided.
3-12-2013JDC27G0L3BGBruceGAF3 error code.
3-12-2013JDS27GL4GeraldCACan't work oven or time of day, knob missing.
3-12-2013JDC27G0L1BGHoytMSall functions work except bake (top left)
3-12-2013JBS03004ADTechFLBake element shorted to ground.
3-11-2013JDC27GLFrankNCF1 error code.
3-11-2013EduardoFLDoes not work.
3-11-2013JDS27G0L4BGBobbyNCBake and Broil buttons not working.
3-11-2013AlanTXOven not heating up properly previously (100 degrees then shut off), now display completely dead.
3-8-2013JDC27GDC4BGTechTNClock has burned out.
3-8-2013JDS27G0L4BGKenSCBake and Broil won't set.
3-8-2013JBS29G0M3ADBeverlyTNOven does not come on. Mounting ears broken probably in shipping.
3-8-2013JDS27GL4BGTechVTf2. sensor has been replaced - no help