3-12-2013JGBP79WEV1EETechNVF1 error code and beeps.
3-12-2013JGBP79GEV4BBJeffreyNYNo display, buzzer makes noise.
3-12-2013JGBP80MEV4BLTechVTBoard was hit by lightning, now dead.
3-12-2013JGBP79WEW1WWVincentNYOven won't get to temp. Hard to turn off
3-11-2013JGBP79GEV4BBTechNEF1 Error code.
3-11-2013JGBP79GEV4BBVincentNJF1 flashes and beeps.
3-11-2013JGBP79WEW1WWPeteDEDead, no display or response to button pushes.
3-11-2013JGBP79WEV1WWTeresaMIpower outage caused board to fail
3-8-2013JGBP79WEW1WWTechFLNo display
3-8-2013JGBP79WEW1WWFloydILWon't power up.
3-8-2013JGBP79WEW1WWDebraMAF3 error code
3-7-2013JGBP79AEW3AABransonNJdisplay inoperative sound may be muted.
3-7-2013JGBP79WEWJacalynFLF1 error code, oven overheated.
3-7-2013JGBP79WEW1WWMaurice CAMotherboard was shorted due to power surge.
3-7-2013JGBP79WEW1WWEdNJCannot operate oven, clock, and timer.