5-7-2013RBD305PDB12ClaudeIABlank display. Timer works. Oven light works
5-7-2013RBD305PDT12BruceTXBoard inoperable
5-6-2013RBD306PDQ12DavidCOE6 F2 error code.
5-6-2013RBD245PDS12CordellTXE6 F2 error
5-6-2013RBD305PDB12DanTXE6 F2 intemittently. Occasionally pops the breaker.
5-6-2013RBD305PDS12KyleGAblank display
5-3-2013RBD305PDB12TechCABlank Display
5-3-2013GBD277PDB7JohnTXe6f2, recently swapped keypad
5-3-2013RBD275PDQ12EricTXE6 F2
5-3-2013TechGACust: Denise Floyd
5-2-2013TechTXDisplay will not turn on. Buzzer was damaged in shipping.
5-2-2013GBD307PDS7TomNJE6 F2 intemittently. Broken connector.
5-2-2013RBD275PDB12JohnINE6-F2. Tech replaced touch pad.
5-2-2013RBD305PDB12TechCONo display, no response from touch pad.
5-1-2013JerrySCDim Display, No power to cooling fan
5-1-2013RBD305PDB12DanTXE6 F2 intemittently.
5-1-2013RBD305PDB12TechCONo display
5-1-2013GBD307PDT7JamesMIE6-F2 error code.
4-30-2013GBD307PDT7PhilipTXE1 code after pressing start.
4-30-2013RBD245PDB12DavidKSintermittent operation and display
4-30-2013GBD277PDS7TechGAoven not coming on, no self cleaning
4-29-2013RBD305PDQ12McCainCAE6 F2, oven shuts off intermittently.
4-29-2013RBD305PDB12ZacNVIntermittent E6 F2 code or blank screen.
4-29-2013GBD307PDS7TechCOblank display
4-29-2013RBD305PDB12TechTXDisplay is too dim to read.
4-26-2013GBD307PDT7GregMNUpper blower not working.
4-26-2013RBD245PDS12RobertTXDisplay went blank, oven stopped working without error codes. Happened suddenly.
4-26-2013GBD307PDB7ScottPABurnt out after self clean
4-25-2013GBD307PDS7JamesPAE6 F2
4-25-2013RBD305PDQ12JohnCAIntermittent display.
4-25-2013GBD307PDB7MichaelTXE6 F2 error code.
4-25-2013MarkIntermittent F1 E2 error code. Display goes blank.
4-24-2013GBD277PDS7MikeINE6 F2
4-24-2013GBD277PDB3MistyTXNo display but keypad beeps.
4-24-2013GBD307PDS7TechLAE6 F2
4-24-2013RBD245PDS12RonaldINE6 F2 error code.
4-23-2013RBD305PDSB12KevinTXE6 F2 error code, intermittent operation.
4-23-2013RBD275KentAZE6 F2 error code, intermittent operation.
4-22-2013RBD245PDQ12JeffCAblank display
4-22-2013RBD245PDQ12JosephPAE6 F2 error code.
4-22-2013RBD245PDS12TechTXno bake broil or display
4-19-2013RBD275PDB12ChristianGAwhen the oven is turned on, the broiler turns on regardless of temp setting
4-19-2013RBD305PDT12RodTXBlank display and beeps.
4-19-2013RBD245PDB8MikeTXDim display, F2 error.
4-19-2013RBD275PDS12DavidFLE6-F2 error code and display blank. RUSH
4-18-2013RBD245PDT12KennethKSClock display is readable, but rest of display (oven temp. etc.) is dim or blank.
4-18-2013RBD245PDQ12TechTXNO display. Board labelled SL.
4-18-2013RBD276PDB12BillyTNBlank Display, Errors E & F
4-17-2013GBD307PDB7NancyCAOven quit on cleaning cycle
4-17-2013RBD245PDB12DavidTXIntermittent blank display and beeps.
4-17-2013RBD305PDB12TechTXE6 F2
4-16-2013Garry MTIntermittent display & PF code
4-16-2013RBD305PDB12BobTXDisplay blank, E6-F2 error code, R188 loose.
4-16-2013RBD305PDQ12Cary and KayINE6 F2
4-16-2013RBD305PDT12TobeyGAOven beeps but no display and it will not turn on. Problem occurred suddenly. Replaced Key pad approximately 2 yrs ago. Worked find now it appears to be something with the board.
4-15-2013GBD307PDB7RobertTXE6 F2 error code.
4-15-2013RBD275PDQ12BrentOKError code flashed, display now blank.
4-15-2013RBD305PDB8CharlesNJF2 E6 error.
4-15-2013RBD305PDB12RobbyTXE6 F2 error code and beeping.
4-12-2013GBD307PDT7TomUTcompletely died in middle of self clean
4-12-2013RBD305PDS12Phillip PADisplay is blank, control buttons respond but oven doesn't work.
4-12-2013James TXBlank Display
4-12-2013WilliamTXRebuild as necessary.
4-11-2013RBD245PDB12TechTXNo display, beeps.
4-11-2013RBD275PDB12RobertGAintermittent working unit & dead with blank display
4-11-2013RBD275PDB12DonTXOven display is going in and out, occasionally displaying an error code and working for a bit before going out again.
4-11-2013GBD307PDS7MikeARE0F2. oven will not turn on heat. press 'stop time' and upper oven comes on. temp arrow buttons dont work
4-10-2013RBD305PDT12TechINE6 F2 error code.
4-10-2013RBD275PDB12TechTXE6 F2 error code, intermittent operation.
4-10-2013GBD307PDS7AikateriniNJIntermittent display problemafter power failure. Issues with keypad mapping reported.
4-9-2013RBD245PDB12TechTXE6 F2 and intermittent display.
4-9-2013GBD307PDQ7NancyCAno lights. beeping.
4-9-2013RBD245PDB12JohnSCIntermittent blank display and beeps.
4-9-2013GBD307PDB7DavidTXE6 and display cuts out.
4-5-2013BrentTXunit will not turn off - overheats and locks down.
4-5-2013GBD277PDS7RogerMOControl went out, beeps when buttons pressed, then nothing.
4-5-2013GBD307PS7TerenceCAE6-F2, display intermittent.
4-4-2013GBD307PDB7TechAZOven shuts off during use.
4-4-2013RBD305PDS12TechGAE6 F2 blank display
4-4-2013RBD305PDS12JohnMIE6 F2 error code, intermittent operation.
4-4-2013RBD275PDQ12TechTXnot responding, showing f2. no display.
4-3-2013RBD305PDT12TechCAintermittent display and control operation
4-3-2013RBD245PDB12TechTXF2 error code and no display with beeping.
4-3-2013GBD307PDS7ConnieCOE6 f2 error code
4-3-2013GBD307PDS7KarlFLE6 F2.
4-2-2013RBD305PDB12AmandaILE5 F2 or E5 F6 error code (can't remember which).
4-2-2013TechTXintermittent bake & display
4-2-2013RBD305PDB12Andrew TXE6 F2
4-2-2013GBD307PDB7BradFLintermittent shutting off-- gradually got worse. now oven is inoperable
4-1-2013RBD245PDQ12KenCABlank screen & E6 F2 error code.
4-1-2013RBD305PDQ12AristonCASelf clean may have caused board to malfunction
4-1-2013RBD276PDB12ShariTXshuts off during baking
4-1-2013RBD305PDB12GeneILE1 F2
3-29-2013RBD305PDS12TechTXBlank Display
3-29-2013RBD306PDB12PaulMDE6 F2 intemittently and blank display.
3-29-2013GBD307PDS7NileshGAE6 F2
3-29-2013RBD245PDQ12TechTXOven not heating, display is weak in places.
3-28-2013GBD307PDB7JebALE6 F2 error code, then blank screen.
3-28-2013RBD305PDB12JohnILDisplay stopped working. No other functions work.
3-28-2013RBD275PDB12DanGAE6 F2 and intermittent display.
3-27-2013RBD275PDB12LisaTXE6 F2 error code, intermittent operation.
3-27-2013RBD305PDT12KevinFLNo display. No functionality. Has power.
3-27-2013GBD307PDQ7ChrisCOE6-F2, blank display.
3-26-2013RBD305PDB12TheresaTXe6 f2.
3-26-2013RBD275PDS12DonaldINIntermittent operation and display.
3-26-2013RBD306PDB12TechCOclock not working
3-25-2013JoeCAno info.
3-25-2013RBD275PDB12MitchTXRebuild as required.
3-25-2013GBD277PDT7MarkMNIntermittently shuts off, F2 E6 error
3-22-2013RBD275PDT12KevinMTE6-F2 w*blank screen and beeps.
3-22-2013AnantCOProvide refurbished Whirlpool control 4453664.
3-22-2013RBD305PDB12AlanTXError code E6 F2, intermittent blank display and oven functionality. keypad has been replaced.
3-21-2013GuidoCOError code E2 F6. It is most likely the board, as the keypad was replaced about a year ago.
3-21-2013RBD305PDQ10JohnNYE6 F2 error code.
3-21-2013BGBD307PDQ7DanielCAE6 F2 error code initially, later became PF.
3-21-2013GBD307PDS7DavidCAE6 F2 error code.
3-20-2013GBD307PDQ7TechCABroiler*Bake elements to oven not working. Board not responsive.
3-20-2013RBD305PDB12MelanieNVE6 F2 error code, intermittent operation.
3-20-2013GBD307PDS7TechTXNo Display, Board labelled JB
3-20-2013GBD307PDB7GeneCAE6 F2 error code.
3-19-2013GBD307PDB7LonneeMIDisplay out after power outage.
3-19-2013RBD275PDS12TechAZpower to board, but blank display
3-19-2013GBD307PDB7StevenGADisplay blank intermittently, beeps, E6-F2 error code.
3-18-2013TechTXno display
3-18-2013SandraTXE6 F2, blank display
3-18-2013RBD275PDB12TechTXNo display, shuts off by itself.
3-15-2013BDG307PDS7BruceCAE6 F2 error code following initial PF on display.
3-15-2013GBD307PDS6JohnPALED display went blank. No control but pushing buttons causes beeping sounds
3-15-2013DavidGetting line voltage but won't power up.
3-15-2013AndyTXintermittent on and off. mostly off.
3-14-2013RBD275PDB12VictorTXE6 F2 intemittently.
3-14-2013RBD305PDB12PatrickCAblank display
3-14-2013RBD305PDB12James O.COE6-F2 w*blank screen and beeps.
3-14-2013RBD275PDQ12EdOHE6-F2 then blank screen.
3-13-2013RichardCAE6 F2
3-13-2013RBD305PDB12LarryTXE6 F2, intermittent display.
3-13-2013RBD275PDB12TechTXShows PF and oven won't come on.
3-13-2013RBD275PDT12TechAZNo display, beeps, possible error code.
3-12-2013RBD305PDB12MichaelALF*F6 error codes appeared, oven quit working
3-12-2013RBD305PDB12SarahGAHeats continuously, can't shut off.
3-12-2013GBD307PDB7TechOHblower wont shut off
3-12-2013GBD277PDT7TechINUnit stays on in bake and ... both thermal fuses. Please see the customer's form.
3-11-2013GBD307PDS7WilliamFLE6 F2 error message, intermittent blank display.
3-11-2013RBD305PDC12TechAZLight on control panel is not lighting at all.
3-11-2013RBD305PDS12Jose AGAE6 F2 error code and goes blank.
3-11-2013GBD307PDT7NoelNJF2 E6 and shuts off
3-8-2013RBD305PDB12TechINDisplay blanks out. Upper cooling fan not running.
3-8-2013RonaldVABlank Display
3-8-2013GBD277PDS7TechTXblank display
3-8-2013RBD305PDS12TechINNo display, double beep.
3-7-2013GBD307PDQ7TechCAdisplay is intermittent
3-7-2013RBD275PDS12TechTXDisplay intermittent.
3-7-2013GBD307PDT7TechTXNo display.
3-7-2013RBD305PDT12EricOKE6-F2, beeps, intermittent.
3-6-2013RBD245PDB12TechTXno display on board, not working
3-6-2013RBD305PDSB12KarenARE6 F2 error code, intermittent operation.
3-6-2013TechTXF2 error code.
3-5-2013GBD307PDS7JulieGAE0 F3 error code.
3-5-2013RBD305PBD12TechTXproblem has been intermittent, gradual degradation
3-5-2013RBD275PDQ110TechTXPF - press on display and it clears.
3-4-2013RBD275PDB12DanielMSBlank display.
3-4-2013HerbNMlower oven wont turn on. upper oven works once in a while
3-1-2013RBD245PDT12ShannonCAOven overheated and now will not light up.
3-1-2013RBD306PDB8TerriILE6 F2 error code.
3-1-2013RBD305PDB12Kyle TXOven shuts off when it gets to a specific temperature, will occasionally work if door is jarred.
3-1-2013GBD307PDB7CraigWADisplay blank intermittently, beeps, E6-F2 error code.