3-21-2013GBD307PDB7SteveTXunresponsive board, and blank display. displays PF code and time but no control response.
3-20-2013GDB307PDQ7TechCAE6 F2 error code.
3-20-2013GBS277PDB3TechOKbroil element on all the time
3-20-2013GBD307PDS7JohnTXE6 F2, no display, random beeps.
3-19-2013RBD305PDQ0MichaelCOE6 F2 code.
3-19-2013RBD305PDQ12BrianMOOperates normally at first then kicks off like you hit cancel.
3-19-2013GBD307PDS7TechAZOven periodically shuts off, blank display
3-19-2013RBD275PDB12ScottAlThe display has gone completely blank with no fault codes or any other information visible. This problem occurred suddenly with no prior indication of anything going wrong. Shutting off the power to the range and then turning the power back on results in a single beep from the control panel, but nothing visible in the display. Holding the Upper Off button down for five seconds results in the control panel emitting a series of beeps, one short, one long and then three or four short.Still, there is nothing visible on display. Tried disconnecting all the plugs from the panel and reconnecting to ensure that all connections were tight, but this had no effect.
3-18-2013SteveNEDisplay went blank, door stays locked.
3-18-2013RBD305PDB12JerryFLE6 F2 error code.
3-18-2013RBD245PDT12AmberINDisplay would shut off, now doesn't come on.
3-18-2013GBD277PDS7AaronTXE6 F2 error code.
3-15-2013GBD307PDQ7WayneMNE6F2, intermittent blank display.
3-15-2013SamTXE6 F2, blank display
3-15-2013RBD245PDB12JoeMSF2 E6 Error Code
3-15-2013GBD307PDS7MarkTXe6f2 , dim display
3-14-2013RBD306PDB12HyeongMDE6 F2
3-14-2013RBD306PDT12PaulVAE6 F2 error code.
3-13-2013RBD305PDQ12KayCAThrowing e6 f2 error code consistently whenever there is power to the unit.
3-13-2013RBD245PDS12TechMSE6 F2 Display powers on intermittently.
3-13-2013RBD245PDS12AdamCOE6 F2 error code. Intermittent operation.
3-12-2013RBD305PDQ12UdoTXE6 F2 error code.
3-12-2013RBD245PDQ12JamesTXE6 F2, Blank display
3-12-2013RBD275PDB12DaleGANo display, a few buttons still cause beep response from oven.
3-12-2013RBD275PDB12SanKungMDE6F2, shuts off intermittently
3-11-2013RBD305PDT12TechFLF2 error code, display not coming on
3-11-2013RBD305PDB12DarinTXOven turning off intermitenly & displays error message "f2 e6" before going blank.
3-11-2013JohnnaMOE6 F2 error code and no display.
3-8-2013RBD305PDQ12KevinCAE6 F2
3-8-2013GBD307PDS7JasonCAE6 F2.
3-8-2013RBD245PDT12MALControl board out.
3-7-2013RBD306PDT12JohnAZDisplay dark, beeps. Only light button functions. Provide extra thermal fuse.
3-7-2013RBD276PDB12JamesTXblank display
3-7-2013RBD305PDQ1AllanNVE6 F2 error code, touchpad has been replaced.
3-7-2013RBD245PDQ12DaveCAIntermittent power fails and E6-F2 codes.
3-6-2013RBD305PDQ12JohnCAE6 F2 error code.
3-6-2013RBD306PDB12RileyARblank display and intermittent beeping
3-6-2013KevinTXe6 f2
3-6-2013RBD276PDB12MarilynAKDisplay dark, beeps.
3-5-2013GBP307PDQ7MichaelCANo display, light works only.
3-5-2013GBD307PDB7DavidCONo display, oven light works but nothing else.
3-4-2013RBD305PDBTechTXUpper oven fan does not turn on - no voltage from board.
3-4-2013GBD307PDB7TechTXE6 F2 error code.
3-4-2013RBD275PDQ11WilliamTXE6 F2