3-15-2013RB260PXBB2PeterTXcuts off in the middle of broil, when on bake timer goes off.
3-14-2013RB770PXYB5WayneALF1 and F3.
3-14-2013TechNo power to machine, thinks bake element is dead.
3-14-2013PaulALshuts off after being set. has an issue with bake mode.
3-14-2013RB260PXBB1Martha TXpre-heats ok, but bottom element doesn't seem to work properly. Element has been tested, not the problem.
3-13-2013RB770PXYBTechILNo Display.
3-13-2013RB260PXYBSamVAAfter setting temperature it would drop gradually.
3-13-2013RS696PXBB2E.OKF1 error code and burner does not shut off when temp is reached.