3-19-2013CWG3100AABBruce J.CAcontrol loses power intermittently. can be briefly restored by tapping the clock.
3-19-2013CWG3100AABTechPAf2, f3, f5
3-19-2013CWG3100AABKevinTNF3 error code, temperature reads wrong.
3-18-2013CWG3100AABJerry CAF3 error code and occasionally F5 error.
3-18-2013CWG3100AABFredTXPossible F1, F2 or F5 error, display stays lit up. Tends to act up more at lower temperatures.
3-18-2013CWG3100AAERamzi CAOven does not turn on, temperature indicator stays at 75 degrees F.
3-18-2013CWG3100AABTechPAF5 error code, display difficult to read.