4-16-2013JSP39GS1WGRobertWAF1 error.
4-16-2013BethPAWon't heat bake.
4-16-2013911483259PierreCAWill not reach temperature.
4-15-20139114652190Robert GAno bake or broil
4-15-2013Ward and JudyFLF2 error code, inaccurate temperature.
4-15-2013RCK736WT-1MaryONF1 error code.
4-15-2013JSP26G0P3ADGradyGAF2, occassionaly F3 and F5.
4-12-2013JRP14GPBGAnthonyNYF1 error code.
4-12-2013JRP24GP2James L.PAF1 error.
4-12-2013JRP14G0P2BGRobert P.GAF1 error code and beep.
4-11-2013JSP39GS1WGThomasSCOven does not reach set temperature. I need to set it 60% higher. I put new elements & sensor in a month ago.
4-11-2013911.4742990DavidTXOven doesn't properly reach temperature. It begins at 225, set at 350 and only reaches 200.
4-11-2013JSP39GSDS1WGKellyALF1 error code, beeps.
4-11-2013JDP37G0P3BGEdgarVAnot heating to temp
4-10-2013JDP36G0P3ADTechNEWon't bake or broil, won't reach temperature.
4-10-2013JDP37G0P1BGJoeALHeating and lock problems.
4-10-2013911.4552191Jeffery ORF1 error code.
4-10-2013JSP38G0P1BGTechFLBake*broil will start but turn off after 10 seconds.
4-9-2013JSP40AS1AGGrady J.NCF1 error code.
4-9-2013RF725GP3BGLouisNCnot reaching temp
4-9-2013JSP38G0P1BGXTechCaF2 Error.
4-9-2013JRP15WOP1WGReynolds FLF4 error code.
4-8-2013JRP24G0PIBGTechTXNo power to bake and broil elements. The relay on the L2 leg doesn't make contact
4-8-2013JSP28GPKennethCAOven and broiler not working. Turns itself off.
4-8-2013JDP37G0P3BGWilliamMSIntermittent F1, F2, F3 codes.
4-8-2013JMP31W0R1WHTechCAintermittent operation
4-5-2013JSP26GPJimTXF1 & beeping
4-5-2013JSP31G0P1WHAnthonyNYF2 and F3 Errors. Replaced sensor and cleaned connector pins.
4-5-2013JSP39GR2WGMiloWAIntermittent F2.
4-5-2013VictorCAworks intermittently
4-4-2013JSP28GPTomMIoven wont turn on, temp canno0t be set.
4-4-2013JSP28GP3BGAlanMOF1 error code.
4-4-2013JRP14GP2CarlieNCheat does not come on until it reaches 300 degrees or more
4-4-2013JDP36GP3ADDarren ALno bake or broil.
4-3-2013RandyMOF1. wont reach desired temp
4-3-2013JRP24GP1B6ChrisOHF1 error code.
4-3-20139114744299TechALF1 and F3 error codes.
4-3-2013JSP38GDS2BGLoriNYF1 error code.
4-2-2013JDP36G0P3ADTechNEPreheated immediately after starting cycle.
4-2-2013JSP28GP2BGWilliam MDNone.
4-2-2013JRP14G0P1BGDavidNYWon't reach temperature or self-clean.
4-2-2013JSP40A0S1AGCharlesMIF1 and beeping.
4-1-2013JSP28G0P2BGWilliamMIError code F2 and sometimes F3, if pressing bake it indicates at temperature w*in a few seconds before error code displays.
4-1-2013JSP39GR1WGKenFLshuts off intermittently
4-1-2013JSP40A0S1AGTomLAF1 error code, beeps.
4-1-2013KennethINF1 and beeping.
3-29-20139114652090Eric JIAOven won't reach temperature.
3-29-2013TomTXAlarm beeping. D*O and P*U at OHA.
3-29-20139114672991SteveMDDoens't heat properly. F2 and F3 errors. Reutrun via 2nd Day Air.
3-29-2013911.4042591JanOHOnly thing that works on the oven is the light.
3-28-2013JSP39G05S1WGAnnMNF1 error code, beeps.
3-28-2013911467299KimINOven doesn't reach temperature.
3-28-2013JSP38GS2BGBrianPAF2 and F3 error codes.
3-28-20139114742592CharlesWAF2 error code.
3-27-2013911455219RodCAF1, F2, F3. Won't heat bake.
3-27-2013NyaFLunit shuts off after selecting bake*broil.
3-27-2013JSP31GDP3WHWard and JudyFLF2 error code and won't hold temperature.
3-27-2013JRP14G01BGJohnNCwill not maintain temp.
3-26-2013TechTXNo power and flashing E & F codes
3-26-2013JSP38G0S1BGJohnILF1, beeps, won't reach temperature.
3-26-20139114832990RichardFLelements not heating...bake and broil modes cancel shortly after starting
3-25-2013JSP28G0P3BGTomPAWill not maintain temperature. F1, F2 error codes intermittent.
3-25-20139114552091LawrenceNCF1 Error Code
3-25-2013DallasCAF1 error code.
3-25-2013JMP28G0R1ADThomasCAspontaneous beeping
3-22-2013JRP14G0P1BGMarkMANot heating properly.
3-22-2013DunkinFLOriginal problem: bake and broil not activating. Customer was removing panel to inspect for loose wiring and the board "popped" as the panel came off. Had not cut breaker.
3-22-2013RJ734GP1BGPatrickNYF2, won't heat after code.
3-22-2013TechOKTerminal "DLB" is not closing to "LI" to send power to the bake or broil relay.
3-21-2013JRP24G0P2BGAllanCATurns off by itself.
3-21-2013JMP28G0R1ADJohn ANCF1 , No reset.
3-21-2013TechTXRepair as required.
3-21-20139114832992David M.TXTop oven not working.
3-20-2013RJ734GP1BGCandiaSCShort cycles.
3-20-2013JSP38G0P1BGGenilaCAF2 and F3 error codes.
3-20-2013911455219PeterNCF1, F2, won't reach temp.
3-19-2013NelsonPRF1 error code.
3-19-20139114552091TechTXkeeps beeping, wont bake
3-19-2013JSP28GP2BGBlakeARF1 Error. Sometimes Clear button had to be pushed multiple times. Door code would flash.
3-19-20139114132991KenWAWon't reach temperature, erratic heat control.
3-18-2013JSP39GR2WSCarolFLbroil works, but wont get over 250 when baking. control beeps intermittently
3-18-2013911.9399580JimmieOKnot heating to temp
3-18-2013JDP39WR3WHJohnFLNo bake*broil functions. Keypad inoperable.
3-18-2013JSP26GP1WHWilliam A.NCF2, F3 and F1 codes.
3-15-2013RF725GP1BGTechNC"wont control the temperature"
3-15-2013JSP28G0R1ADJimOROven shuts off.
3-15-2013JDP39WR3WHJohnFLTemp reading high.
3-15-20139114553590ArthurTXWill not maintain temperature.
3-14-2013911467259TechTXNot staying at temperature.
3-14-2013JRP14G0P1BGIncOHF1 error code.
3-14-2013JSP28GP3BGMarkKSF1 error code.
3-14-2013SallyMIDoor lock mechanism activates unexpectedly and oven shuts off intermittently.
3-13-20139114742991TechALF2, wont heat past 200 deg.
3-13-2013JSP38GS2ScottPAF1 and beeping after power failure. No keypad overlay.
3-13-2013JSP26GPLeslieWAF1 error and beeping.
3-12-2013Randy JINShuts off early.
3-12-2013JSP28G0P1TonyPANo Bake, temp reads 175 degrees and beeps as soon as bake is depressed. Oven door doesn't always unlock.
3-12-2013JRP15W0P1WGShirleyCAOven not getting up to designated temp.
3-12-2013JMP28G0R1ADTechTXno power to bake or broil, not turning on oven
3-11-2013JSP28GR1ADTechFLBake not working.
3-8-2013JSP26G0P3ADKenneth RALShort cycles, beeps won't reach temperature.
3-8-20139114742992TechTXWon't heat, buttons hard to press.
3-8-2013JDP39WR3WHSuzanneMIeither not heating to temp or overheating
3-8-2013JSP39GS1WGRichGAShort cycles.
3-7-20139114832590TechTNControl reads 420 degrees at room temperature
3-7-2013JSP38G0P1BGTechUTf2, f3
3-7-2013911455359GregALNot heating. Will not enter cooking modes.
3-7-2013JRP14GP2BGIkeOKNo heat*bake or broil. Clock programs but temp readout remains at 100F. K1 relay(L2 to DLB) not closing.
3-6-20139114652091GregWAWon't reach temperature. Sensor has been replaced.
3-6-2013JSP31GP1WHPatVAF1, read out says 100.. then shuts off
3-6-20139114742592StephenMNBake and Broil not working. No voltage at DLB.
3-6-2013JSP28G0P2BGJulieCAF1 error code, beeps.
3-5-2013TimothyNYF1 Error.
3-5-20139114552091TechALdrops out of heating cycle
3-5-2013JMP31WRWendiGAoven will not reach or maintain desired temp
3-5-2013EdFLOven will not pre-heat
3-4-2013JDP37G0P3BGRayIDWill not reach temperature.
3-4-2013JSP36G0S2BGRandyCAF1 error.
3-4-2013JSP25GP2BGGary FLOven not getting all the way up to temp.
3-4-2013JRP24G0P2BGRyanTXF1 error.
3-1-2013JSP40AS1AGStephenTXF1 error code.
3-1-2013JSP28GP3BGTechTXboard not turning on
3-1-20139114652190A BFLOven won't reach temperature. F2, F4 error codes.
3-1-2013JRP15W0P1WGTechNENot keeping temperature.