4-25-2013JKP44GP1BGDerek CAF1 code
4-25-2013JDP45W0P1WGTechCAF1 error code.
4-25-2013JKP45WP1WGKarenFLbroiler and oven do not work
4-25-2013JKP45W0P1GMikeMDF1 error code with or without keypad connected, beeps.
4-24-2013JKP45W0P2WGTechPAshuts off on its own
4-24-20139114842592ChrisCOF1 Error.
4-24-2013ThomasNYF1 error. Still present w*keypad disconnected.
4-24-2013JKP45WP0P1WGGary KGAShuts off early and F1 error code. 1st shipped w*o relay board, then followed up with relay board and screws.
4-23-2013JKP45WP2WGStephenPADoor lock keeps trying to engage. F1 error. Upper oven will not self-clean.
4-23-20139114842992WalterVAF1 Error code
4-23-2013JKP44GP1BGTechTXset it to bake, set to temp.. and oven shuts off before
4-23-2013JKP44GP2BGBradILbottom oven shuts off after being turned on
4-22-2013ZEK755WP1TechSCF1 Error.
4-22-2013RickOHShuts off after 30 60 sec
4-22-2013JKP45WPKenCAF1 error code, screen blanks when light or lower oven turned on.
4-22-2013DanielCAF1 Error Code. Keypad OK.
4-19-2013JKP44G0P1BGAdrianWAOven short cycles.
4-19-2013JKP44G0P2BGEarlDEF1, F3 error code. Shipped without frame.
4-19-2013JKP44GP1BGDouglas NJFirst the bottom oven would not work, then neither would work. Now you can no longer set the clock.
4-18-2013911484259JackMOIntermittent F1 and F3, now constant F1 error code.
4-18-2013JKP45WPTechMAF1 Error code in both ovens.
4-18-2013JKP44G0P2BGChrisMSBottom oven will not bake Timer now only beeps 3 times when finished used to beep continuously
4-18-2013JKP44GP2JamesMIF1 error code.
4-17-2013SusanMITop oven turns off shortly after setting temperature.
4-17-2013JKP45W0P1WGToni L.WAShipped board back w*keypad, some keys or modes not working.
4-17-2013JKP44G0P1BGDoreenPAF1 Error code and oven shuts off.
4-17-2013JKP45W0P1JongsikCALower oven F1 code w*keypad disconnected. Upper oven doesn't reach temperature. Sometimes F1 on both.
4-16-2013JKP16GP2MaxWAF1 Error
4-16-2013ZEK754GP1BGSanfordWIF1 error and beeps.
4-16-2013JKP45WPWGRickCAF1 error code.
4-16-2013JKP45W0P1WGToni L.WAF1 error code. Can also contact tech: Greg *, *.
4-15-20139114842590ThomasGAF1 error code.
4-15-2013GeraldNDIntermittent F1 and F3, now constant F1 error code.
4-15-2013Mukesh K.CALower oven stays on and no display.
4-15-2013JKP44G0P1BGBobCAF1 Error code. Lower will not heat. L2 lug broken.
4-12-2013JKP45W0P1WGTechPAF1 on bottom oven. F1 on top and buttons unresponsive.
4-12-2013JKP44GP1BGShelbyTNTop oven won't heat. Intermittent elsewhere.
4-12-2013JKP44GP0P1BGGeraldILF1 Error Code. Shipped w*keypad.
4-12-2013JKP45WPTimMNShuts off early then F1 error
4-11-2013JKP44G0P1BGCliftonGAF1 Error code and LOCK flashing.
4-11-2013TechVTF1 Error.
4-10-2013JKP44GP1BGBillOHIntermittent operation, oven shuts off early.
4-10-2013JKP45WPCharlesNMF1 Error code.
4-10-2013LilyNJIntermittent F1 Error code. Not holding temp. Rush.
4-10-2013JKP44GP1BGRichardWINot working.
4-9-2013JKP45W0P1WGRobertILF1 Error. Lower ovens shuts off after < 1 min.
4-9-2013JKP45W0P1WGBenMAF1 error code.
4-9-2013JKP44G0P1BGTechNYF1 error code. Fused relay on board.
4-8-2013ZEK755WP1WGTechTXF1 error code.
4-8-2013JKP45W0P1WGTechMIF1 error code.
4-8-2013JKP44GP2TechCAlower oven turns off by itself.upper oven works fine
4-5-2013911484259StevenNYF1 error.
4-5-2013JKP44G0P1BGDanielNHF1 error.
4-5-2013ChrisOHF1 Error
4-5-2013ZEK755WP1WGMichaelCAHas power but no functionality.
4-4-2013JKP44G0P1BGMikeTXF1 error, beeps.
4-4-2013JKP44G0P1BGPatriciaNYF1 Error code.
4-4-2013RandyOKF1 Error Code.
4-4-2013JKP45WP2BillCAF1 error code buzzer keeps going.
4-3-2013JKP44GPBrianNYTurns on intermittently
4-3-2013SpirosCAUpper oven shuts off early. Lower oven burns everything. Both temperature sensors read 1200 ohms at RT.
4-3-2013JKP44G0P1BGLaurieWAF1 Error code.
4-2-2013JKP54WPKevinCAF1 error code w*keypad disconnected.
4-2-2013JKP44G0P2BGVinNJF1 error.
4-2-2013ZEK755WP1G.MAF1 error code, check keypad to eliminate cause.
4-2-2013JKP44G0P1DavidNYF1 and F3 Error Codes. Intermittent.
4-1-2013JKP44G0P1BGDonaldKYMostly F1 error code, but sometimes F2. Oven works normally if both top and bottome are on simultaneously.
4-1-2013JKP45W0P1WGCurtis A.WAF1 error code, first intermittent, now constant.
4-1-2013ZEK754GP1BGNickKYF1 Error Code.
4-1-2013JKP44G0P1BGMichaelVAF1 error code.
3-29-2013JKP44GP2BGTechTXoven will run, and then shut off & flash F1
3-29-2013ZEK756BradCAF1 error.
3-29-2013JKP44GTechFLCustomer reported intermittent operation.
3-29-2013JKP45W0P1WGRandyMOUpper oven not getting power to heating element.
3-28-2013JKP44GP1BGJohnCADegrading errors. F1 Error. Door lock problem. Display out on lower oven.
3-28-2013JKP44GP2DanCAOven shuts off.
3-28-2013JKP44GPMikeNJunit wont stay on
3-28-2013JKP44G0P2BGRubenCALower oven temperature can't be controlled.
3-27-2013JKP45W0P2WGJerylTXF1 error code without keypad connected.
3-27-2013JKP45WP2WGTonyOHShuts off by itself after a minute.
3-27-2013JKP45W0P1WGTechPAF1 error on lower oven and locking.
3-26-2013JKP44G0P1BGTechMIF1 error code w*o keypad connected.
3-26-2013JKP44G0P1BGJeanne Y.GAF1 Error code.
3-26-2013JKP45WP2WGJohn R.VAF1 error codes.
3-26-2013JKP45W0P1WGJohnNYF1 on bottom oven.
3-25-2013MikeVAShuts off after 30 seconds.
3-25-2013JKP44G0P1EGKarolNVIntermittent F1 Error.
3-25-2013JKP45W0P1WGAnthonyNYF1 error code.
3-22-2013ZEK755WP1WGTechNYWon't take any functions. Error code F0, F2.
3-22-2013JKP45WHCharlesILHeat shuts off after 1 minute.
3-22-2013JKP44GP2BobbyVArelay not working
3-22-2013DavidMAF1 Error code.
3-21-2013911.4842590TechCApower to board, no power out
3-21-2013JKP44GP1JamieMINot heating. First sent w*o relay board. Followed up w*keypad and relay board.
3-21-2013JKTDougWILower oven doesn't bake or broil.
3-21-2013ZEK755WP2WGFrankCAbottom oven turns off without command
3-20-2013JKP45WP2WGGeorgeCAF1 error code.
3-20-2013JKP44GPJackPAUpper oven not working.
3-20-2013JLP45WKurtisVAF1, F2 Error codes.
3-20-20139114842990TechTXoven shuts off after beind engaged
3-19-2013JKP45WP1WGTechILUnit will turn on but shuts off after a short period. both ovens will not heat.
3-19-2013911484259BretCAHigh pitched beeping.
3-19-2013JKP45WCharlieNYF1 error code.
3-19-2013JKP44G0P2BGTechCAF-1 error code
3-18-2013ZEK755WP1WGFrankCAF1 error code.
3-18-2013JKP44G0P1BGDonVAF1 error.
3-18-2013JKP44G0P1BGTechCAF1 error code.
3-18-2013JKP44GP2BGTechGAUpper oven wont heat. bake and broil do not work.
3-15-2013JKP44G0P1BGDougIAF1 error code.
3-15-2013JKP45W0P1WGAnthonyCAF1 and bake, broil not working.
3-15-2013RuthTXnot heating
3-15-2013JKP45W0P2WGGaryNJShort cycles, will not heat.
3-14-2013JKP44GP2BGTechCAF2 error
3-14-2013JKP45W0P1WGTechNJF1 error.
3-14-2013JKP45WP2WGGregWABoth top and bottom ovens turn off in less than a minute. (Clock still works but oven wont heat up.) Refer to the email thread between us for more info if needed.
3-14-2013JKP44G01PBGSeanTXNo display, intermittent response to keypad.
3-13-2013JKP45W0P1WGBruceFLDead. Shipped w*transformer.
3-13-2013ZEK755WP2WGJohnMEF1 beeping when idle. stops when bottom oven in use. top oven not functioning
3-13-2013TechILProvide refurbished WB27K5047 GE control board.
3-13-2013ZEK755K22ThomasNJF1 Error Code. Included keypad.
3-12-2013ZEK755WP1TechSCRe-installed but upper oven heats continously and lower oven only works if upper oven on.
3-12-2013JKP54WPAlanNYF1 error code and beeping.
3-12-2013JKP45WScottOHF1 error code prior to error code oven would heat to 100 degrees but then shut off automatically performed self cleaning and worked for a bit but then f1 code appeared.
3-12-2013Barry DTNLower will not heat, shuts itself off.
3-11-2013JKP45W0P1GLisaTXupper oven won't stay on. lower oven temp off and intermittently won't stay on
3-11-2013JKP44GP1FGRonOHwouldnt hold settings, finally went blank
3-11-2013JKP45W0P1WGDaleNJF1 error code w*o keypad connected.
3-8-2013JKP44ClaudiaPAerror messages & beeping
3-8-2013JKP44G0P1BGMichaelMAUpper oven non-functional. Lower oven shuts off early.
3-8-2013JKP44G0P1BGTechALBottom oven will not heat.
3-7-2013DavidILF1 error.
3-7-2013DaveCAF1 Error
3-6-2013JKP44G0P1BGTechMEF1 Error.
3-6-2013JimCAF1 Error. Need to expedite.
3-6-2013JKP45WPDanielWIIntermittent F1 Error code.
3-6-2013TechMOnot working.
3-5-2013JKP44G0P2BGAndresCAF1 Error.
3-5-2013ZEK755WP1WGSusan CILLower oven short cycles.
3-5-2013JKP44G0P2BGDavidMDUpper oven won't reach temperature.
3-5-2013JKP44G0P1BGStephenCAF1 Error.
3-4-2013JKP45W0P2WGTechCAOven shuts off prematurely
3-4-2013JKP45WPRadeCAShuts off early.
3-4-2013TechTXF1 error code.
3-4-2013JKP44G0P1BGBillTXF1 Error code.
3-1-2013JKP45WTrevorMOF1 error on upper oven.
3-1-2013ZEK755WP2WGTechFLcomes on briefly and then shuts off.
3-1-2013JKP45W0P2WGKirkIAUpper oven turns off early. Temperature inaccurate.